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Contact Us

Ohlone Elementary

21 Bay Farms Road
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 728-6977 Phone | (831) 761-6144 Fax 

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

School Hours

The morning bell rings at 7:55 and school is dismissed at 2:30. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 to have breakfast and play before school. Our library opens at 7:30 and children are welcome to visit to check out books or do quiet activities.
In 2024-2025, Friday is our early release day and school is dismissed at 12:30.
We have an after school program available to all students from 2:30 (12:30 on early release days) until approximately 5:30. For more information about our afterschool program and other extended day options, please call 728-6977 ext 5727, or visit the PVUSD Expanded Learning Webpage.
Primary students (kinder-3rd grade) have a morning recess, afternoon recess, and a recess after eating lunch. Upper grade students (4th and 5th grades) have a morning recess and recess after eating lunch.