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Ohlone School News

Messages From The Principal

Messages From The Principal

Looking Forward to 2025-2026!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer break. We are already hard at work planning for next year. The first day of school for students is August 13, 2025. 
Our regular school hours will be the same K-5:
7:55 Morning Bell
2:30 Dismissal
The Ohlone office will open August 1. Office hours are 7:30-3:00. If you are new to our school, please come in to register! Call (831) 728-6977 if you have any questions. 
If you would like to register before August 1, or have any questions while we are closed for summer, please call the PVUSD district office at (831) 786-2100
See you in August!

Big News! We are Starting an English-Spanish Dual Immersion Program!

Beginning with the kindergarten class of 2025-2026, all Ohlone students will be in a dual immersion program. Students with any home language may enroll and will be taught to be bilingual and biliterate in English and Spanish! The program is open to all students in the Ohlone attendance area and other students may enroll with an interdistrict transfer. To learn more, check out our Welcome to Ohlone newsletter. For enrollment information, visit the PVUSD Enrollment page. We still have room for more kindergartners in the dual language program, but spaces are filling up fast!
Welcome 2025-2026 Kindergartners!
We have a very important event for new kindergarteners to start off the year. We will be having a kindergarten orientation on March 6th,2025. Students and parents will be able to tour the school and get to know the kindergarten staff and classrooms. Our teachers and aides will be getting to know the children so we can make well-balanced classes. After we have met the new students and gotten to know their strengths and needs, we will make classes balanced for language and academic needs and assign teachers. We will post the classes and teachers by Monday, August 11. The first day of school for all students is Wednesday, August 13.
Kindergarten Orientation

Now enrolling kindergarten students! 

Kindergarten orientation will be approximately 1.5 hours. We will tour the school and have a snack in the cafeteria. Students will have a chance to play in the classroom and we will observe how they interact with others. We will assess their language (so we can balance the classes for English and Spanish proficiency) and their school readiness skills.  Parents will be interviewed about their child’s developmental milestones, health, and school history. 
These documents were mailed home to all registered kindergarten families. If you didn't receive them, you can read them here:
Dress Code
Students should come to school in clothes appropriate and safe for learning & playing. Shoes should be closed-toed and appropriate for physical education. Students may wear a variety of colors. 
Students may not wear any clothing that depicts alcohol, tobacco, violence, or other inappropriate images. Students may not wear clothing, jewelry, etc., that are evidence of affiliation with a gang (District Policy 4508.3.1)
Código de vestimenta
Los estudiantes deben venir a la escuela con ropa apropiada y segura para aprender y jugar. Los zapatos deben ser cerrados y apropiados para la educación física. Los estudiantes pueden usar una variedad de colores.
Los estudiantes no pueden usar ropa que represente alcohol, tabaco, violencia u otras imágenes inapropiadas. Los estudiantes no pueden usar ropa, joyas, etc. que sean evidencia de afiliación con una pandilla (Política del Distrito 4508.3.1)
Bus Routes & Passes
Please visit the PVUSD website's Transportation page to see bus routes and apply online for a bus pass. You can also get a bus pass application in our office. We will post bus routes in front of the school August 10th. Online application
Rutas de autobús y pases
Visite la página de transporte del sitio web de PVUSD para ver las rutas de autobús y solicitar en línea un pase de autobús. También puede obtener una solicitud de pase de autobús en nuestra oficina. Publicaremos rutas de autobús frente a la escuela el 10 de agosto. Aplicación en línea
After School Program
The after school program will start August 13th for students that pre-enrolled last year. If you would like to add your child to the after school program, please call (831) 728-6977 extension 5727 once school starts. 
Programa Extraescolar
El programa extraescolar comenzará el 13 de agosto para los estudiantes que se preinscribieron el año pasado. Si desea agregar a su hijo al programa extraescolar, llame al (831) 728-6977 extensión 5727 una vez que comiencen las clases.